Anjali Magana
Barbara Holden
CJ Palmisano
Evelyn Wester
Jan Allen
Laura Zellman
Lisa Booth
Marilyn Sell
Marsha Chan
Nancy Serdahl
Nicole Torres
Sharon Muscara
Sue Heller
Tara Lee
Terry Simmons
Winnie Yung
Celeste Koch
Cindy Guyon
Donna Schreiber
Glenda Rasmussen
Helen Skinner
Jackie Gannon
Jennifer Moeller
Judy Erkanat
Karyn Kikuta
Laurie Robell
Lela Karzian
Lois Huckins
Lois Kalafus
Lynda Hauswirth
Marj Moehrke
Stacey Proffitt
Susan Purcell
Suzanne Burns-Tobin
Tenaya Zoeller
Wilma Brisendine
Bob Sinn
Brian Salada
Fred Rust
Jim Reynolds
Mark Streicker
Paul Yeadon
Rich Guyon
Stan Ketchum
Margaux Millman
Marlene Fernandez
Richard Stolzman
Bill Jones
Bob Quenelle
Bob Stoner
Dann Bergman
George Hamma
John Albrecht
Robert Sprague
Rudy Kalafus
Terry Tanner
Soprano section = 16, Alto section = 20, Tenor section = 8, Bass section = 9, Total = 53

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