The Fun Times Singers is a non-profit organization led by a volunteer Board of Directors. Additionally, many members serve on committees that divide up the behind-the-scenes workload. Board minutes and organization financial records are open to the membership. Member suggestions are actively solicited and given careful consideration.

Your Board wants to serve the members' needs and answer your questions, so please let them know your thoughts either in person or by email.

Board of Directors -- 2024

Dann Bergman

Brian Salada

Rich Guyon

Tara Lee

Stan Ketchum
General Director 1

Susan Purcell
General Director 2

Nancy Serdahl
General Director 3

Active Committees

Membership:Laurie Robell, Ariane Jubert
Music Librarian:Cindy Guyon
Music Research:Cindy Guyon
Web Site :Rich Guyon
Venue Liaison/Facilities:Stan Ketchum, Sue Heller
Fund Raising:Bob Sinn, Nancy Serdahl, Sue Heller, Tara Lee
Rehearsal CDs:Bob Sinn, Rich Guyon
Publicity:Lois Huckins, Judy Erkanat
Tickets:Rich Guyon, Bob Sinn, Cindy Guyon, Evelyn Wester
Programs:Cindy Guyon
Stage Crew:Fred Rust, Barbara Holden, Bill Jones, Bob Sinn, Bob Stoner, Brian Salada, George Hamma, John Albrecht, Rich Guyon, Ron Fry, Stan Ketchum, Terry Tanner
Sound Engineering:Bob Quenelle
Socials:Nancy Serdahl, Barbara Holden, Sue Heller, Susan Purcell
Reception:Nancy Serdahl, Barbara Holden, MaryAnn Bouchard, Susan Purcell
Concert CDs:Bob Sinn, Bob Quenelle, Rich Guyon
Copyright Clearance:Cindy Guyon
Election:Ariane Jubert, Charlie Perkins, Rudy Kalafus
Bylaws:Dann Bergman, Laurie Robell, Rudy Kalafus
Venue Search:Dann Bergman

Minutes from Board Meetings

The minutes of recent board meetings are avialable to FTS members. You can view the minutes at FTS Board Meeting Minutes

Bylaws of the Fun Times Singers

The Fun Times Singers is a non-profit charitable corporation and you can view the bylaws here.

Policies of the Fun Times Singers

We have a written policy statement that outlines the operational aspects of our chorus. Take a look .